Article information
Article`s title
The Identity of a Criminal in the Value-Meaningful Interpretation of Criminological Science
A. Kiryukhin 1
4 (
personality of a criminal,
criminologically significant qualities and properties of a criminal,
social danger of crime and a criminal,
dialectics of Marxism. Abstract
The article raises the problem of the theoretical validity of the concept of
criminal personality in the criminological science and the practical
expediency of using this concept. It is assumed that the individual qualities,
psychological characteristics, emotional, volitional and intellectual
properties of criminals in their content and expression have no significant
differences from those that each person has. A particular conclusion is
made that the public danger of a criminal is determined solely by the
severity of the crime committed by him/her. A critical analysis of the main
provisions of the doctrine of the personality of the criminal is carried out, in
which the concept of personality is devalued, and the criminal is reduced to
a constructivizing abstraction, social and psychological model. The author
points out the ideological reasons for the complete rejection of dialectical
cognition of an individual as a subject of social relations and actions,
reflecting the totality of social roles that he/she plays in society.
It is proposed to return to the research into criminologically significant signs
and properties of a criminal, instead of searching for significant differences
between the criminal and other people, and the personification of criminal’s
social vices.
How to Cite this article
Кирюхин А.Б. Личность преступника в ценностно-смысловой интерпретации
криминологической науки // Право: история и современность. 2023. Т. 7, № 4.
С. 454 – 463. doi: 10.17277/pravo.2023.04.pp.454-463
(всего загрузок:143)
About authors
A. Kiryukhin
Firstname | A. |
Middlename | B. |
Lastname | Kiryukhin |
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